May 10, 2018 10:00 am

Note : Time to be confirmed.
TWC members will be joining members of several other organisations with ties to the Commonwealth for a “Day in the City”. This will begin with a private lecture in Guildhall, the scene of so many fascinating and sometimes frightening events in English History – and still the Headquarters of the Corporation of the City of London. Guildhall is where, in a highly theatrical and symbolic ceremony, each new Lord Mayor accepts office and responsibility for the Mansion House. It is known as “The Silent Ceremony” because the only words spoken are the those of Lord Mayor’s acceptance.
The party moves on to Pewterers Hall for lunch and, afterwards, there will be an opportunity to visit St Lawrence Jewry, the official church of the Corporation of the City of London, the Commonwealth and The Royal Marines. It is also where the annual Spital Sermon is delivered. After a tour and talk on this particularly special church, tea will be available.
Information about each of these venues can be obtained from the following websites :
Guildhall :
Pewterers Hall :
St Lawrence Jewry Church :
